Branding is one those words tossed around often in business meetings that everyone understands but few can articulate what it is.
To some branding is associated with a logo or a visual identity. To others, it’s marketing efforts towards increasing the value of a company’s image instead of its product.
But let’s clear the air:
A brand is an emotional experience. It’s people’s perception of your company or product.
Branding is creating and managing what that perception must be.
When someone looks at your business card, sees and ad or billboard, walks in your store, calls customer support or talks to your delivery man that created perception, the message you want to tell your customer, the thing that makes you different, they need to be one and the same across all brand touch points.
Branding is about making sure that every time your customer interacts with your brand, they know who you are, what you do and why you do it.